Manage all your files in iTech Drive and you can be able to share the files to your friends and clients.
A dashboard is a tool used for information management. In iTech Drive Dashboard, we show the number of files and folders uploaded. We display the total number of files uploaded with progress bar according to their types.
Files and Folders uploaded by the users and admin are listed and we can search the file or folder by its name. The listed file or folder contains.
Admin can create any number of Roles and can be able to customize the permission access to the specified Role.
Admin can create Users and assign the Roles as per their designation. Users can be able to access the drive as per the Permission given to their Role.
A page where you can manage general settings of the website, Email Settings and Email Templates
A page where you can manage their User information.
The User can be able to add their personal files by clicking Upload option.
Clicking on the Folder icon button which is next to the upload button enables you to create a new folder.
A page where you can manage all your Uploaded Files and Folders. You can share your files and folders to your friends and clients..
A page where you can view all the Files and Folders which other Users used to share to you.